Chabot College

Please Participate. What you put into the class will determine what you and others get out if it.
Students are expected to attend each class. You must come on time. If your work interferes with this class schedule, you need to make adequate arrangements with the instructor to remedy this problem.
If you cannot attend a class due to a valid reason, please notify the instructor prior to the class via phone on e-mail. ATTENDANCE IS PART OF YOUR GRADE!
If you miss a class, you are responsible for getting any information and material covered during class. If clarification of the material is necessary, please make an appointment with the instructor.
The instructor may drop any student with two consecutive or a total of three absences. If you wish to drop the class, BE SURE TO DO IT YOURSELF at the admissions and records office.
Students may not read other materials (newspapers, magazines, etc.) during class.
Pagers and cell phones must be off or in “silent” mode. Calls may be taken only during break times.
You are strongly encouraged to bring part prints, and work related problems to class for discussion with the entire class.
Students must remain in class during the entire session with the exception of breaks. Students are not allowed to come and go during a class session.
Any student found to be cheating during an examination, or on shop activities, will receive an F for the examination or work activity.
All class participants are expected to exhibit respectful behaviors to other students and the instructor. All students have the right and privilege to lean in class free from harassment and disruption.
The class follows the standards set in the Student Code of Conduct in the Chabot College Student Handbook and are subject to disciplinary action for violation of that code.
I want this course to be a good experience for you. I cannot read minds, if you have criticism of the course, material, or my teaching, please let me know.
Contact Us

25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA. 94545